How Gen Z Redefines Fashion Brands’s Loyalty Program

Sales and Marketing 6m read

How Gen Z Redefines Fashion Brands’s Loyalty Program

Binh Ly Jun 21, 2024

Time flies, and Gen Z is all grown up! These tech-savvy young adults are changing the shopping game with their unique style and focus on social issues. Although they might not have the spending power of the older generations yet, brands that ignore them now will miss out later. Let’s get ready to connect with this powerful group of future spenders!

Read more: Fashion Loyalty Programs: Cultivating Customer Love and Driving Sales

Who is Gen Z?

Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z is now emerging into adulthood with their unique behaviors. What sets Gen Z apart from the generations before? It all comes down to their “digital” upbringing as the first generation to grow up with the Internet as their BFF. While the eldest are already navigating careers and mortgages, the youngest are still preteens. This wide range of experiences highlights the diversity within Gen Z. Despite facing challenges like climate change, pandemic lockdowns, and economic anxieties, Gen Z is a force to be reckoned with.

As Gen Z is about to become the driving force behind the next decade's economic boom,  their spending power is exploding, making them the hottest target audience for brands across all industries. Want to stay relevant? It’s time to dive into their values and preferences – from sustainability to tech-savvy experiences.

4 Key Factors to Reaching Gen Z Fashion Consumers

Fashion brands can forget those old-school loyalty programs with punch cards and boring discounts because Gen Z-ers are now not just looking for deals, they want experiences, social impact, and brands that align with their values, such as sustainability or ethical sourcing, etc. Before sketching a proper loyalty program that could draw Gen Z's attention, these are some factors that fashion brands should take note of. 

1. Focus on Values:

“Gen Z-ers buy values and experiences, not just luxury and fashion goods” - (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Forget the days of conspicuous consumption! Gen Z-ers would rather spend their cash on something epic than the latest "it" bag, such as sustainability and social impact.

“75% of Gen Z prefer to shop sustainably rather than opt for well-known brands. Their commitment to sustainability inspires other age groups to follow suit. As the first digital natives, members of Generation Z are tech-savvy and well-informed, leading to positive changes in consumer behavior across generations.”. - according to Mando.

As Gen Z prioritizes ethical and sustainable practices, loyalty programs can reward eco-conscious choices like using recycled materials and offering repair services. Not only do these eco-warriors love brands that conserve the environment, but they are also interested in social responsibility and desire to make a positive impact. Brands can partner with charities aligned with the brand's values, allowing customers to donate points or a portion of their purchase to a good cause.  This creates a win-win situation, fostering brand loyalty and supporting social initiatives important to Gen Z.

2. Experience over Exclusivity:

Think bigger because a million points for a limited version is not appealing anymore! Gen Z-ers crave interactive experiences and more than that, a sense of belonging, as it was mentioned in the McKinsey study, “They are more individualistic, with a stronger sense of personal expression.”

Loyalty programs should focus on creating unforgettable moments rather than raising exclusivity by: 

Gamification - fashion plays the game

3. Digital Engagement:

With the rise of social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, etc., Gen Z’s life, which was already tied to the Internet, is now even more “glued to it”. That’s why loyalty programs must be accessible and engaging on mobile devices, Gen Z's preferred platform. Since Gen Z thrives on social interaction, integrating loyalty programs with popular social media platforms is also a must. Imagine earning points for participating in brand challenges on TikTok or Instagram, or unlocking exclusive rewards for sharing their stylish finds with their followers. This helps brands get valuable engagement, and Gen Z gets to showcase their individuality while earning rewards.

4. Transparency & Authenticity:

It can be said, Gen Z is no longer easy to be fooled by marketing gimmicks. They want loyalty programs that are transparent and authentic, just like them. Here's how brands can build trust and win over this discerning generation:

No more mystery points: Ditch the confusing point systems and hidden fees. Gen Z needs clear communication about how points are earned and redeemed, and what amazing rewards await them. Think of easy-to-understand explanations and readily available program information.

And because they care about more than just discounts. Brands can offer exclusive content within the loyalty program that showcases their commitment to sustainability or ethical sourcing. Maybe it's a video tour of your eco-friendly factory or a chance to chat with the designers who create their favorite styles. Transparency builds trust, and trust breeds loyalty.

Wrap up!

So there you have it! Gen Z is shaking things up in the fashion world, and brands that don't adapt will be left in the dust. By catering to these Gen Z values and preferences, fashion brands can design loyalty programs that foster deeper customer connections and drive long-term engagement. 

Inflow: Pioneering Sustainable Fashion Practices

We understand the growing demand for sustainable clothing, especially among Gen Z consumers. They're a generation passionate about the planet and actively seeking brands that align with their values.

That's where Inflow comes in. We are a supply chain and manufacturing platform for fashion brands, dedicated to producing high-quality clothing that meets rigorous eco-friendly standards. We prioritize recycled materials, minimize waste, and uphold ethical production practices throughout our supply chain.

We believe transparency is the key to gaining Gen Z's trust! Partnering brands will have access to transparent information about our production processes, materials used, and environmental impact. This allows you to confidently share this information with your customers, building trust and fostering brand loyalty.

Ready to join the movement? Contact Inflow today and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your sustainable fashion goals!